Abuse of any kind (such as sexual, physical or emotional) especially if experienced in childhood, can sometimes leave us with emotional scars that may be unseen but affect our whole sense of who we are.
Sexual abuse is unfortunately more common than most people realise with estimates of 1 in 6 males and 1 in 4 females having experienced sexual abuse or attempted sexual abuse at some time in their lives. Sexual abuse can leave survivors experiencing feelings of guilt, shame and self-blame due to the nature of abuse, grooming and how perpetrators work leaving survivors thinking they won’t be believed and keeping everything to themselves for many years.
Remember – sexual abuse is never your fault and you are not responsible for what someone else chooses to do to you.
Many survivors of all genders share how difficult and triggering intimacy can be after sexual trauma and whilst this is completely natural and understandable, it does not have to be like this for ever – sharing your anxieties with your partner and working through this together may give you back the life you deserve to live.
I have worked with survivors of sexual abuse for many years and know how hard it is to reach out for support and disclose abuse. If past trauma is impacting on you and affecting your relationship or ability to form relationships then counselling can help you to address your experiences and move forward in your life.